Welcome back to TheTechnoTips directory of Helth & Fitness. In this directory, we’ll look at 4 Tricks Eat New Foods To Your Kids.
Tired of waging a battle of wills every time you introduce your child to a new food? tricks eat new foods. Fear of the unknown is also present at mealtime. So much so that it even has its own name: nomophobia.
Some adults are reluctant tricks to try eat foods they have never eaten. But neophobia tends to occur more among children, who are the most likely to drop a “dislike” on a plate they have not seen before.
Here is 4 Tricks Eat New Foods To Your Kids
The most widespread is that of the omnivore’s dilemma, which says that in the past humans had to try to incorporate new plants into their diet but distrusting those that were unfamiliar to them because many could contain toxins.
These toxins could cause adults to have an upset stomach. However, for infants, they could mean death.
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But today, with all the food safety mechanisms in place, this risk has disappeared. Although neophobia has survived. However, scientists have also studied how to combat it and have some advice.
1: Play With Fruits & Foods Toys
The texture of a food can play an important role in causing a child’s rejection.
The researchers gave a group of minors between the ages of 3 and 10 a colourless and tasteless jelly to manipulate and play with. The other group was given a board game.

Afterwards, they asked everyone to try three desserts: one soft strawberry yoghurt, another with pieces of fruit and strawberry jelly.
Children who had played with gelatin ate more strawberry gelatin compared to the other group. In the case of yoghurts, however, they did not see any difference.
So, according to the scientists, letting the little ones play with their food using their hands increases the chances that they will gladly agree to eat it later.
2: A Social Context
Children’s behavior at mealtime is strongly influenced by the social context, according to several studies compiled by French researchers in an article also published in Appetite.
The little ones find satisfaction not only in the taste of food but also in company and social interactions.

Therefore, his attitude towards something new is more positive in a social and emotional context, such as a family dinner, than if the father sits at the table with the sole objective of feeding the son.
Eating with others also gives them the opportunity to comment on the sensations produced by food. Observe the gestures and expressions of others when eating food. What allows them to make a social construction of what is the pleasure of eating?
3: Imitation
Children tend to imitate the behaviors of the people around them. So it is very important that they see their parents eating a healthy diet.
But not only to parents. In a 1980 study, infant feeding experts conducted tests in which a child with a preference for vegetable A sat down to eat with children who, instead, liked vegetable B.

On four occasions, they were asked to choose between A and B.
The result was that minors who preferred vegetable A increased their predilection for vegetable B, the one consumed by the others.
More recent research from the National Academy of Sciences of the United States concluded that children begin at 14 months to learn the pleasure of food by observing other people.
4: Common Mistakes
There are some common mistakes parents often fall into when teaching their children to eat new foods. According to renowned British pediatrician Ronald Illingworth, a pioneer in child health.
One of them is trying to distract them while feeding them, for example, putting them in front of the television.

Trying to convince them with rewards or punishments is also not a good idea and using physical force by putting the spoon in their mouth, even less.
But neither should you abandon the cause nor let him eat what he wants and how much he wants. The best is to be patient and expose the child to a new food over and over again.